Saturday, July 23, 2011

Glory Days

Yeah, just sitting back trying to recapture a little of the glory of, well time slips away and leaves you with nothing mister but boring stories of glory days  
 -Bruce Springsteen
This morning's run is / was a testament to the amount of work I have to do to get back to where I was as a runner a few years ago.  I got up early this morning to beat the heat (it's supposed to be 95 degrees in New England today!), and knocked out nine miles in 73 minutes.  The time isn't that bad, however, the effort required to finish those miles and the fact it required a two hour nap to recover from is a little ridiculous (I know, I've got it tough).  Taking into consideration that I've only run twice this week, there's no reason for me have to sleep after running for an hour and 15 minutes.
Patrick Ewing once told me I sweat a lot.
At the same time, I know I shouldn't even consider trying to run the amount or at the pace I used to run in the past.  On average, I've run one to two times a week for the past year, and usually never running for more than 45 minutes.  I haven't followed any sort of training program or diet, and it's obnoxious to think that I would be able to pick up where I left off.

So, what am I going to do to get back to running at a 7:00 / mile pace?  The obvious answer is to run more.  And in order for me to do so, I'm going to have to start waking up really early in the morning to do so.  This is something that I know I'm going to struggle with.  I can get up at 5:00 AM if I know I've got something to do or some place to go for work, however, any other reason usually involves hitting the snooze button the minute my alarm goes off, and then waking up at 6:15 - 6:30 and cursing myself for sleeping in.

Does anyone have this problem?  And does anyone have any solutions?  If so, I'm all ears.


  1. I enjoy a good snoozefest as much as the next person. I do usually try to get to work around 7:30 so I can get out of there by 5:00 or 5:30. Would you consider running in the evening? I know it can still be blazing hot (in Detroit or Boston) at 6:00 in the evening but I find I can still get a good run in after work; usually enough light too. I sort of mix it up a bit by doing morning runs on the weekends. I'm really just a rookie runner so maybe real runners do it in the morning... I certainly admire your efforts, will continue to follow and support the cause. Keep it up.

  2. Geoff, it's been too long! Running at night is a great option. With my ride home from work, I usually get in around 7:30 or 8:00. By that time, I'm usually only thinking about hanging out with Lauren (my wife), finishing up some leftover work, and eating dinner. From time to time, I manage to squeeze in a run. And you're right, with it being the summer, there is still plenty of light and it's usually a little cooler.

    Are you training for anything specific? You should absolutely sign up for any type of race (5k, 10k, a walk, etc.). Races are addictive, and everyone is always in a great mood.

  3. Tom, I just saw your reply. I've signed up for my first 1/2 marathon at the end of August. It will be in Santa Rosa, CA. I'm running it with my uncle, a former ultra-marathon runner. He ran the Leadville 100 a few times, Western States and I think recently just did a 30 miler. I wish I had his genetics. I'm looking forward to it - won't be breaking any land speed records. The most I have ever done is 11 but if I can do 11 and stay healthy I should be able to do 13 right?

    I certainly hear what you're saying about the evening running; I am sort of used to it but I think most prefer morning. I really need to do more morning runs. Continued success with your training and keep on posting.
